The Lake Effect (★★★★) by Guest User

Around the Town Chicago
By Alan Bresloff
April 28th, 2013

Of course, the key ingredient for making a story easy to follow is a solid script and good direction along with actors who truly understand the characters they are bringing off the page into reality (at least for 90 minutes). This show has all that!

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Silk Road Rising Will Premiere Rajiv Joseph's The Lake Effect by Guest User

Broadway World Chicago
March 19, 2013

Silk Road Rising Artistic Director Jamil Khoury and Executive Director Malik Gillani have announced the World Premiere of The Lake Effect, written by Rajiv Joseph, directed by Timothy Douglas. The Lake Effect runs April 23 - May 26, 2013, in Pierce Hall at The Historic Chicago Temple Building, 77 W. Washington St, Chicago. Press opening is Saturday, April 27 at 4:00 pm. 

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Invasion! by Guest User

Newcity Stage Chicago
By Zach Freeman
August 9, 2013

An ever-shifting piece of all-engaging theater, [Invasion!] asks its audience to stay on their toes and take nothing for granted [...] Invasion! can be uniquely understood by each audience member based on their own experiences.

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An Arab Zelig by Guest User

Stage and Cinema
By Lawrence Bommer
August 4, 2013

As malleable as the material, Anna Bahow’s subversive staging for Silk Road Rising keeps it surreal—and toxically familiar. The cast—Kamal Hans, Amira Sabbagh, Glenn Stanton, and Omer Abbas Salem—inhabit their careful caricatures with heart, charm and zest.

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Ethnic assumptions get a workout at Silk Road by Guest User

Chicago Tribune
By Kerry Reid
August 9, 2013

[The play] blends the classic nesting-stories structure of "The Arabian Nights" with contemporary riffs on the psychic damages incurred through racial and ethnic profiling. The result [...] is a clever and sometimes-wrenching kaleidoscopic journey through the looking-glass of prejudice, fear and internalized self-loathing that ends with an indelible and horrifying erasure of identity.

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Meet Mosque Alert by Guest User

Written and Directed by Jamil Khoury
March 28, 2013

"Meet Mosque Alert" is a compilation of content created in Steps 1 through 4 of Jamil Khoury's 9-Step new play development and civic engagement process. Mosque Alert tells the story of two suburban American families living in Naperville, IL—one Christian, the other Muslim—who find their lives torn apart by a proposal to build a new mosque in their community.

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Humor Me Some Social Change by Guest User

My name is Jamil Khoury and I study the political utility of art. Too general. My name is Jamil Khoury and I study the diplomatic efficacy of theatre. Too ambiguous. My name is Jamil Khoury and I study the dialectics of storytelling and social change. Too academic. My name is Jamil Khoury and I study the empathic functions of humor. Whatever...

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