Paulus / by Guest User

February 17–19, 2012

Written by Motti Lerner
Translated from Hebrew by Hillel Halkin
Directed by Daniella Topol

Featuring: Brent Barnes, Joel Kim Booster, Lacy Katherine Campbell, Bryson Engelen, Justin James Farley, Joseph Anthony Foronda, Chris Meister, Chris Popio, Adam Poss, and Diana Simonzadeh

Paulus explores Paulus of Tarsus, the bridger of Christianity from a Jewish sect to a Gentile religion, and his vision to universalize monotheism in the face of strong opposition by the Jewish Establishment, the Jerusalem Church, and the Emperor Nero. This historical drama weaves through Paul's past and present, guided by his fears and inspirations, and dramatizes the role that Jesus played on Paul's psyche after Jesus' crucifixion. 

Written by one of Israel's leading playwrights, Paulus examines the struggle Paul faced to achieve his vision and the impact of that vision on the world.