A Dress of Steel Mesh / by Guest User

September 30–October 2, 2011

Written by Kemba Saran
Directed by Amanda Respess
Design Consultation and Photography by Vinod Menon

Featuring: Kathleen Carot, Delicia Dunham, and Diana Simonzadeh

When Kemba was eighteen years old she met a charming man who claimed that, despite her hesitation, their fates were sealed—she was destined to be his wife. So begins the play, A Dress of Steel Mesh, which tells the story of a young woman who comes of age in a marriage marred by domestic violence. Compelled to turn inward for comfort, she finds solace by documenting her journey of survival. For nearly twenty years she navigates a terrifying labyrinth of oppression, gradually finding her way to a place of healing and wonderment. Relayed by a chorus of three female voices, A Dress of Steel Mesh offers hope and inspiration to those who, in losing their way, are forced to reclaim it. 

Also performed in Recital Hall, Northeastern Illinois University