Paulus / by Guest User

November 17, 2013
By Alan Bresloff

Silk Road Rising is one of my favorite troupes. Written by a Jewish Atheist, we look at the Messiah and what he might have been had his life gone longer than that which is written and taught. Both of our “heroes”, Jesus and Paul are of the Jewish faith, each hoping to save their people from what might happen to them and to somehow unite their people to believe in the same teachings. Was Paul attempting to complete Judaism, making it the perfect religion? Or was he seeking a way to unveil a new religion that altered what was in the original 613 Commandments? Daniel Cantor was a powerhouse as Paulus. Nero was deftly handled by Glenn Stanton and the two ladies, Dana Black and Carolyn Hoerdemann were as stunning as they were believable. The original music (Peter J. Storms) is unique.