Precious Stones Reviews
Chicago Journal
By Larry O. Dean
February 6, 2003
All's fair in love and war--or is it? That's a question central to Jamil Khoury's Precious Stones, a world premiere that opened last month at the Studio Theatre. Precious Stones is the inaugural production of the Silk Road Theatre Project, a nonprofit, non-Equity theater troupe based in Chicago and created to showcase playwrights of Asian, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean backgrounds.
Gay Chicago Magazine
By Venus Zarris
February 16, 2003
Regardless of your sex or sexual orientation, all you have to do is be at least semi-conscious to the events of modern life and you'll find plenty to be despondent about and LOTS to laugh at.
Chicago Sun-Times
By Hedy Weiss
January 28, 2003
Just when you thought that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict could not get any thornier or more complicated and intractable, Chicago-based writer Jamil Khoury arrives with his new play, Precious Stones. RECOMMENDED