The DNA Trail: A Genealogy of Short Plays about Ancestry, Identity, and Utter Confusion News
WLT - A Publication of the University of Oklahoma
By Jamil Khoury
March 28, 2010
In an unpredictable encounter between art and science, seven playwrights from Asian, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean backgrounds agreed to take DNA tests and then write short plays exploring their ancestry and identity.
The University of Chicago Magazine
By Brooke O'Neil
March 28, 2010
“Everyone’s engaged in a conversation about identity,” says Khoury. "Regardless of who you are," [playwright Jamil Khoury] says, "when it comes to the forces of family, heritage, and now genetic legacy, understanding what it means to be you is no easy task."
Medill Report Chicago
By Dennis Foster Mickley
December 1, 2009
Each of the seven writers approached these questions in different ways. Khoury chose to focus on the sociology and politics of ancestry, a “story about the tensions of New America for a city filled with New Americans,” while fellow writer Elizabeth Wong infused her experience with humor... Both writers found that the source material encouraged divergent themes. Creating art out of science proved not a hindrance, but fertile imaginative grounds with more overlap than expected.